Biochem-307 Biochemical Analysis
(list of practical)

  1. Preparation of solutions: Preparation of Buffer (2.1, 2.4, 2.7-2.9, 2.11, 2.12, 2.22, 2.24) 
  2. Carbohydrate Analysis: Group Identification Test, Identification of mono, di and polysaccharides, Identification of reducing sugars, Identification of ketose sugar and their confirmation by phenylhydrazine test, Identification scheme for carbohydrates, (3.1-3.8)
  3. Estimation of glucose in blood sample by phenol sulphuric acid method, (3.9, 3.12, 7.3)
  4. Estimation of amino acids, (4.4)
  5. Biuret Test and Ninhydrin Test, (4.11, 4.4)
  6. Precipitation tests of proteins. (5.6)
  7. Identification of lipids (6.1-6.7)
  8. Estimation of vitamin C by DCIP method. (7.9)
  9. Proximate analysis of food/feed samples. (7.1-7.11)

 Ali, M. et al., Experimental Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Series I), 2023, 3rd edition, ISBN: 978-969-7502-04-1

Mid-term syllabus of Biochem-307:Solution, colloidal and suspension system. pH & its importance and application, Buffers: natural and synthetic buffers, characteristics of buffer, importance and applications. Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.;

…. PLUS…. First 150 MCQs from chapter 2 (150/302) the book ” MCQs in Biochemistry”. MCQs from the taught concepts and book chapters will also appear in the exam.

Final exam syllabus of Biochem-307: Reaction and mechanism of different biochemical analysis (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids) and their importance. Proximate analysis, importance and applications. plus 25% of mid-term syllabus

 …. PLUS…. First 150 MCQs from each of chapters 2 (150/302) and chapter -3 (150/729) of the book ” MCQs in Biochemistry”. MCQs from the taught concepts and book chapters will also appear in the exam..

……PLUS……… Final exam will contain 30% from mid syllabus.



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2017-ag-9382 Haidar Iftikhar

2017-ag-10077 Ahmad Faraz 


Link to download the book ( MCQs in Biochemistry) is given below:

BIOCHEM-307                  BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS                  3(1 -2)

 Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course students will be able to;

  1. 1. Apply an understanding of the methods and techniques associated to solutions, pH and buffers.
  2. 2. Explain the principles behind major biochemical molecules analysis.
  3.  3. Demonstrate food and feed analysis. 


Solution, colloidal and suspension system. pH & its importance and application, Buffers: natural and synthetic buffers, characteristics of buffer, importance and applications. Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. Reaction and mechanism of different biochemical analysis (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids) and their importance. Proximate analysis, importance and applications.




Preparation of solutions: Preparation of Buffer, Carbohydrate Analysis: Group Identification Test, Identification of mono, di and polysaccharides, Identification of reducing sugars, Identification of ketose sugar and their confirmation by phenylhydrazine test, Identification scheme for carbohydrates,  Estimation of glucose in blood sample by phenol sulphuric acid method, Estimation of amino acids, Biuret Test and Ninhydrin Test, Precipitation tests of proteins. Identification of lipids. Estimation of vitamin C by DCIP method. Proximate analysis of food/feed samples. 


Suggested Readings

1.       Boyer, R.F. 2014. Modern Experimental Biochemistry. 3rd Edition. The Benjamin / Cummings
Publishing Co., USA

2.   Nelson, D.L and M.M. Cox. 2017. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. 7th ed. Worth Publishers, New York.

3.    Murray, R., D. Bender, K.M. Botham, P.J. Kennelly, V. Rodwell and P.A. Weil. 2015. Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 30th edition. The McGraw-Hill companies Inc. USA. ISBN-10: 0071825347

4.  Gowenlock, A. H., J.R. McMurray and D.M. McLauchlan. 2006. Varley’s Practical Clinical Biochemistry 6th ed. CBS Publishers and distributors. New Delhi, India.

5.      Sawhney, S.K. and R. Singh. 2009. Introductory Practical Biochemistry. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India.

6.      Shawn, O.F.  and L. E. Taylor. 2009. Biochemistry Lab Manual. Cengage Learning, USA.

7.      Ali, M. et al., Experimental Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Series I), 2019, 3rd edition, ISBN: 978-969-7502-04-1

8.      Ali, M. et al., Experimental Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Series II), 2019. 1st edition, ISBN: 978-969-23317-2-2.

9.      Ali, M. et al., Experimental Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Series III), 2023, 1st edition, ISBN: 978-969-23317-6-0 

Life Sciences by Dr. Muhammad Ali
This is template... Try to write, whatever headings are possible for a practical.
3-Biochem-307 MA,1st, Spring 25,  Dr. M ALI (RIGHT AFTER MID EXAM)
Sr. Ag No. Student’s Name Group Topic of practical and number of practical (ppt and presentation)
1 2024-ag-8493 Aaima Ahmad G1 1. Preparation of solutions: Preparation of Buffer (2.1, 2.3, 2.7-2.9, 2.11,
2.12, 2.22, 2.24) 
2 2024-ag-7750 Abubakar
3 2024-ag-8245 Adha Arshad
4 2024-ag-8179 Afsheen Mubashar
5 2024-ag-4006 Aleesha Batool Anwar
6 2024-ag-4399 Ali Hassnain Shah G2 2-1. Carbohydrate Analysis: Group Identification Test, Identification of mono, di
and polysaccharides, Identification of reducing sugars, Identification of
ketose sugar and their confirmation by phenylhydrazine test, Identification
scheme for carbohydrates, (3.1-3.4)
7 2024-ag-7738 Alisha Fatima
8 2024-ag-7290 Amatul Aala Tooba
9 2024-ag-5916 Ammara Ahmad
10 2024-ag-9601 Amna Bibi
11 2024-ag-4158 Amna Jabeen G3 2-2. Carbohydrate Analysis: Group Identification Test, Identification of mono, di
and polysaccharides, Identification of reducing sugars, Identification of
ketose sugar and their confirmation by phenylhydrazine test, Identification
scheme for carbohydrates, (3.5-3.8)
12 2024-ag-5711 Amna jamil
13 2024-ag-6689 Ansib Fatima
14 2024-ag-8478 Aqsa Ijaz
15 2024-ag-8566 Areeba Amjad
16 2024-ag-8277 Areeba Mazhar G4 3. Estimation of glucose in blood sample by phenol sulphuric acid method, (3.9,
3.12, 7.3)
17 2024-ag-6619 Arfa Mehmood
18 2024-ag-8183 Arooj Asif
19 2024-ag-8177 Ayesha
20 2024-ag-4762 Ayesha Akbar
21 2024-ag-8270 Ayesha Binyamin G5 4. Estimation of amino acids, (4.4)
22 2024-ag-6786 Ayesha Minahil
23 2024-ag-6910 Ayesha Qamar
24 2024-ag-7792 Bisma Noor
25 2024-ag-5634 Dania Zaheer
26 2024-ag-4457 Fareeha Azhar G6 5. Biuret Test and Ninhydrin Test, (4.11, 4.4)
27 2024-ag-5970 Fareeha Hameed
28 2024-ag-7670 Fatima Saif
29 2024-ag-7717 FatimaTanveer Akhtar
30 2024-ag-8062 Feham Qaiser
31 2024-ag-4703 Fida Imran G7 6. Precipitation tests of proteins. (5.6)
32 2024-ag-6756 Fiza Tariq
33 2024-ag-6251 Habiba Almas
34 2024-ag-8381 Hiba Asad
35 2024-ag-9608 Hifza
36 2024-ag-7050 Hooriya Kashif G8 7. Identification of lipids (6.1-6.7)
37 2024-ag-6854 Humna Hussain
38 2024-ag-7257 Ifrah Fayyaz
39 2024-ag-5059 Iqra Saleem
40 2024-ag-6531 Iqra Zahid G9 8. Estimation of vitamin C by DCIP method. (7.9)
41   Kashaf Shahid
42 2024-ag-6538 Kashaf Usman
43 2024-ag-4314 Laiba Shahzad
44 2024-ag-6653 Laiba Waseem G10 9. Proximate analysis of food/feed samples. (7.1-7.11)
45 2024-ag-6512 Lubaina Hashim
46 2024-ag-6502 Muhammad Awais Ali
47  2020-ag-9210  Rabia Habib
48  2023-ag-8519  Nabiha Majeed    
49  2023-ag-8590  Eman Fatima    


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